Bhagavad Gita Online Class 45
Never does one who does good, dear friend, tread the path of woe (chapter 6 verses 40 to 47)
•A study of a favourite verse of Saints in India (verse 40) and how much it gives one assurance: "never does one who does good, dear friend, tread the path of woe". Why one should have this verse written on their mirror and their door. Why one can give a discourse on this verse for hours about why good deeds never go to waste.
•The beauty of the word taat used by ShreeKrushna to address Arjuna and why one only uses this world when there is intense love towards someone
•What happens when one who practices Yoga fails to attain the Supreme Soul before they leave this body. The story of Jadbharat in the fifth canto of the Shrimad Bhagavad
•A story from the life of Raman Mahashri and the cow who came to listen to his discourses
•A study of the whole system of karmas and how souls move between bodies and worlds
•Why people are born in wealthy families. The definition of wealth by Marz and Engels.
•The different between Vedic thought (in regarding wealth as a Goddess) and Western thought (in regarding wealth as wrong)
•The amount of births that an individual soul has to go through to attain a human body
•Why do people carry on their good activities from their previous lives? Why do certain children demonstrate Divine qualities? A story from Guruji's childhood when He gave his prize winnings at a public speaking competition to a family going on a pilgirimige to seek blessings for them
•The meaning of the name Hari of God
•Why there is nothing in life that does not have a purpose and why there is no such thing as fluke or chance
•Why ShreeKrushna keeps mentioning the word prayatna (efforts) in this chapter on meditation
•The story of the great devotee Kevat in the Ram Charit Manas.
•The meaning of the word Yoga coming from the root yuj.
•How to chant mantras.
•Conculsion of chapter 6.
Chapter 6 verse 40: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGGwXUOjz1k
Chapter 6 verses 41 and 42: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_IXoBr_OXs
Chapter 6 verse 43: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Atvr2SXhkh8
Chapter 6 verse 44: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBUyJrUX-cQ
Chapter 6 verse 45: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IA9J-MduWpw
Chapter 6 verse 46: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Un6b15q2q5g
Chapter 6 verse 47: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxcIhL3cceU
How to chant a mantra: http://youtu.be/TleevaOFGt0