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The Hanuman Chalisa class will cover: 


•The events in the life of Goswami Tulasidas that led to the creation of the Hanuman Chalisa and how the Hanuman Chalisa is a success mantra.


•A study of the book Darshan by Harvard Professor Diana Eck where she scientifically proved through Kirlian photography that the power of a mantra or Idol increases with the number of people who chant it or pray to it and with the number of times it is chanted and prayed to. The two most chanted mantras in the history of the world are the Gayatri mantra and the Hanuman Chalisa.


•Shree Hanumanji is not a monkey god; the word in Sanskrit is vānar. There is no translation of this in English and there does not have to be: it is just vānar.


•How the radiance of Shree Hanumanji is filled in each and every verse of the Shree Hanumān Chalisā.


•Why the world has yet to have a manager like Shree Hanuman. There are many devotees of Ram in the world today but there is only one “Ram Dut” (ambassador of Ram) and that is Hanuman.  


•In life people will not remember you for what you told them or for what you gave them, but what they will remember is how you make them feel.  


•Hanuman is an absolutely successful person. He has never failed in life.  


•The importance of having a goal in life. How Hanuman’s motive and His goal inspired Him. Hanuman is eager to do RamKaaj (the work of ShreeRam).


•Whenever Hanumanji begins a new endeavour, it is mentioned in the Ramayan that He has a joyous mind.


•Why Hanuman bowed down to everyone. He is not an egotist at all. The very definition of Hanuman is Hanu (to destroy) and mān (ego); therefore one who has destroyed His ego is Hanuman. He even bowed down to those who were apparently inferior to Him. Humility is missing in this world. The more fruits that there are on the branches of a tree then the more than the trees recline. A story from the Mahabharata about how humility attracts respect and the power of blessings.


•The importance of faith. Hanuman had faith towards His mission and faith is a big power.


•Two questions to ask yourself to determine your Svadharma (purpose in life).


•The importance of emotional intelligence. Why one should have a high intelligence quotient (IQ), emotional quotient (EQ) and spiritual quotient (SQ). How Hanuman had all three.


•Why the Samurai in Japan say “control your emotions otherwise your emotions will control you”.  


•How to adjust to a situation without compromising your principles. The story of how Hanuman stood up in the court of Lanka.


•Why true freedom lies in accepting challenges with a positive attitude. 


•Nature works in two ways. First it supports us and second it opposes us. There are some people in society who support us without analysing or judging. And there are some people who are clear-cut opponents. Both of these extreme people are always in a minority On average, not more than 5% are supporters and not more than 5% are opponents. Then there is the third category who are the independents who cannot take a clear stand. Our success in life depends not how you behave with the supporters or opposers but how you deal with the 90% independent people.


•Hanuman had come as a spy in Lanka. But He took a self-appointed promotion and changed His role from a spy to a messenger. He told Vibhishan that He was a messenger. The success or even the survival of Hanumanji was that He was able to change His role at the right time. When Ravan said to kill Him then Vibhesshan immediately intervened saying that to kill a messenger is against political ethics. If a spy gets caught then he is immediately imprisoned but diplomats are protected. Shree Hanumanji did not remain a spy but an ambassador and so was protected. Go that extra inch and the universe will come to help you.  


•A look at the Ramayan about all the people whose lives Shree Hanumanji saved including Sugriva, Vibhishan, Sita and Lakshman.


•Why the word “Jay” is used five times in the Hanuman Chalisa. A study of the five prān (life breaths): prāna, apāna, vyāna, udāna and samāna.


•The 22 characteristics of a successful dut (messenger) according to Indian political scriptures. Examples from the Ramayan of how ShreeRam placed the utmost faith in Shree Hanuman.


•A study of the intelligence of Shree Hanuman and how this was evident when Shree Hanuman met Shree Ram and Lakshman for the first time. How Shree Ram praised Him. The science of effective speaking.


•The five characteristics of what the speech of a learned and virtuous person is like.


•Bhartruhari description of three types of people in the Neti Shatak: those that are great, those in the middle and those who are small.  


•How even if one has as many enemies as the stars in the sky, if they are a devotee of Ram then nobody will even be able to move their hairs.


•Whatever tasks are difficult in the world, they are rendered easy by Hanuman’s grace.


•Why it is written in our scriptures that when we remember and meditate on Shree Hanuman then we attain the qualities of: intelligence, strength, fame, patience, fearlessness, freedom from ailments, wisdom of discrimination and excellence in speech.


•A study of the Ram Rahasya Upanishad about the effects of devotion to Shree Ram and Shree Hanuman.


•There is not a single village in the whole of India and there is not a single town in the whole of India where there is not a Temple of Shree Hanumanji. There are three Gods that are there in each and every village: Ganesh, Shiva and Hanuman. No matter what village it is, even if it is the smallest village of all, there will be a Temple of Ganesh there, there will be a Temple of Hanuman there and you will find a Shivling somewhere or the other in the village.


•How Hanuman removes all fear as our protector. A real life story of how Shree Hanuman removed the fear of a devotee.


•How all the three worlds tremble when Hanuman roars. The effect that Hanuman’s roar had on the demons in Lanka.


•How on regularly chanting Hanuman’s name, all ailments perish and all troubles disappear.


•Why we worship Hanuman on Tuesdays (the day of His birth) and Saturdays (the day of His victory over the planet Saturn.


•Hanuman’s magnificent glory is acclaimed through the four ages and His fame is radiantly noted all over the cosmos. In the Sattya Yug (first age), Shree Hanumanji is in the form of Shiva. In the Tretā Yug (second age), Shree Hanumanji is there in the form of the servant of Shree Ramchandraji. Those who have studied the first chapter of the Gita we know that in the Dvāpur Yug (third age), Shree Hanumanji is in the form of kapidvaja (the flag bearing the crest of a vānar) on the chariot of Arjuna. Shree Hanumanji listened to the Bhagavad Gita directly from the mouth of the Supreme Soul ShreeKrushna with so much peace and so much concentration. And in the Kali Yug (the fourth age and the age of vice that is the current age), Shree Hanumanji is there in the form of the listener to holy discourses on the story of Shree Ramchandraji


•One who recites the Shree Hanuman Chalisa 100 times daily becomes free from the bondage of life and death and enjoys the highest bliss.


•Lord Shankar, a witnesses to the efficacy of the Hānumān Chalīsa says that all those who recite the Hanumān Chalīsa regularly are sure to be benedicted.


•When we recite the Shree Hanuman Chalisa then we remind Shree Hanumanji of His strength and we fill Him with enthusiasm. That is why whenever the Shree Hanuman Chalisa is recited then it should never be recited softly; the chanting of the Shree Hanuman Chalisa should be done valourously and as loud as you can at the top of your voice.


You can watch all of the Hanuman Chalisa videos by clicking on the below links next to the verse numbers:




Prelude 1:


Prelude 2:


Verse 1:


Verse 2:


Verse 3:


Verse 4:


Verse 5:


Verse 6:


Verse 7:


Verse 8:


Verse 9:


Verse 10:


Verse 11:


Verse 12:


Verse 13:


Verse 14:


Verse 15:


Verse 16:


Verse 17:


Verse 18:


Verse 19:


Verse 20:


Verse 21:


Verse 22:


Verse 23:


Verse 24:


Verse 25:


Verse 26:


Verse 27:


Verse 28:


Verse 29:


Verse 30:


Verse 31:


Verse 32:


Verse 33:


Verse 34:


Verse 35:


Verse 36:


Verse 37:


Verse 38:


Verse 39:


Verse 40:


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