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Bhagavad Gita Online Class 42

The goal-posts to measure how much you are succeeding in your meditation (chapter 6 verses 13 to 22)


•How one should sit during meditation and the importance of posture.

•Where you should look and what you should concentrate on during meditation. The choice of three different points on which to concentrate.

•The circle of light one begins to see after one begins to achieve a high level of concentration.

•Why we perform Idol worship and how it concentrates our mind on God.

•How the mind goes where one's vision goes.

•Why most religious people do things out of fear and how to make this fear go away.

•The importance of balance in Yoga: how not to eat too much and not to eat too little; how to not sleep too much and not be awake too much. The effects that the amount of food we eat and sleep we get has on meditation.

•Why the majority of people give up meditation in the first 10% of the way to the goal and hence miss out on their wealth inside.

•A study of the structure of the body and its 7 million cells.

•Why love increases with separation. A study of Rabindranath Tagore's play about two lovers separated by a river.

•The meaning of svaroop (the form of God) that one witnesses during meditation. A study of Narsihn Mehta's bhajans.

•The goal posts of how much you are succeeding in meditation:dhāranā, dhyān, sampragnyāt Samādhi, asampragnyāt Samādhi, sabij Samādhi, nirbij Samādhi.

•The concepts of dhyātā (the meditator), dhyān (the meditation) and dhyey (the goal of meditation), and what happens to them during meditation.

•The two types of Samadhi (Divine Experiences): sampragnyāt Samādhi and ansampragnyāt Samādhi. 

•The eight types of siddhis (spiritual powers) one attains when they attain advanced states of consciousness during meditation but still have vasnas (mental imprints) remaining e.g. realisizing whatever one desires, possessing absolute Lordship, reducing one's body to the size of an atom

•Why one's identity should remain with their Self when they attain siddhis (spiritual powers) and why oen should not get distracted by them. How a Saint achieved this.

•How to attain peace of mind. The description of the peace you can achieve through meditation

•A comparison of the Supreme Delight one gets from within and small material happiness one gets from outside. Why the senses cannot perceive the Supreme Delight.

•The story of Puranjan in the fifth chapter of the fourth canto of the Shrimad Bhagavad about the union of the soul and the intellect.

•How to attain That gaining which there is no greater gain beyond it

•The definition of 'pain' by. Shankracharjyaji in the Shankarbhasya. Why the root of pain is pleasure.

•An explanation of one of Buddha's four noble truths that life is suffering.

•The three agencies that have been created to make people happing: religion, politics and science

•The importance of determination in Yoga. How the Zen Saints used to test the determination of their pupils.

•The three reasons why people get frustrated during meditation and so they give up. How to avoid these three.


Chapter 6 verse 13:


Chapter 6 verse 14:


Chapter 6 verse 15:


Chapter 6 verses 16 and 17:


Chapter 6 verse 18:


Chapter 6 verse 19:


Chapter 6 verse 20:


Chapter 6 verse 21:


Chapter 6 verse 22:


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