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Bhagavad Gita Online Class 138

How each person can attain perfection by being devoted to their duty. Better is one's own law though imperfectly carried out than the law of another carried out perfectly. One should not give up the work suited to one's nature, though it may be defective, for all enterprises are clouded by defects as fire by smoke (chapter 18 verses 45 to 57) 


 •How each person can attain perfection by being devoted to their duty.


•In the circumstances that we are in and the type of karma (actions) that have come to us, if we perform those karma (actions) in the right way then we can attain perfection.


•He from whom all beginnings arise and by whom all this is pervaded-by worshipping Him through the performance of his own duty does a person attain perfection.


•How even Even if you perform the smallest of all karma (actions) such as eating, it can become a worship of the Lord.


•Better is one's own law though imperfectly carried out than the law of another carried out perfectly. One does not incur sin when one does the duty ordained by one's own nature.


•How each and every one of us is unique and the importance of discovering one's Svadharma (duty).


•A study of the Vishnu Purana about how one who leaves his in-built Dharma and his own duty and instead just chants 'Krushna Krushna' or 'Rām Rām', such people are opposed to the Supreme Soul and only that but they are foolish, the reason for this is that God Himself took birth in order to fulfil Dharma and not only that but God has given us birth to fulfil our Dharma.


•One should not give up the work suited to one's nature, though it may be defective, for all enterprises are clouded by defects as fire by smoke.


•He whose intellect is unattached everywhere, who has subdued his self and from whom desire has fled- he comes through renunciation to the supreme state transcending all work.


•Why the first necessity in order to reach the Supreme Soul is to be endowed with a pure intellect. A study of a poem of Bartruhari.


•If something is in front of you then you should make a decision based on it, react to it and do whatever you have to do, and when the person moves out of the way then it is finished and the matter is over. A story of Ram and Vibhishan in the Ramayan.


•If obstacles come and problems come in life then do not look at those problems as problems but look at those problems as challenges; if you do so then you will get peace. A study of a Japanese shoemaking company.


•The qualities of a Brahmabhutaha (one who has become one with Brahman).


• Why a holy person should be able to laugh. A conversation between Pujyashree Morari Bapu and Pujyashree Guruji.


• The two ways of taking turbulence out of our minds. First you can take them out just a volcano throws lava out and the second route is to forget turbulence.


• To know is to enter. To know is to be. To know God is to be God.


Chapter 18 verse 45:


Chapter 18 verse 46:


Chapter 18 verse 47:


Chapter 18 verse 48:


Chapter 18 verse 49:

Chapter 18 verse 50:


Chapter 18 verses 51 to 53:


Chapter 18 verse 54:


Chapter 18 verse 55:


Chapter 18 verse 56:


Chapter 18 verse 57: 



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