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Bhagavad Gita Online Class 137

What is my duty? How to work out the unique purpose for which you are here by studying your root nature and characteristics (chapter 18 verses 38 to 44) 


 •Serenity, self-control, austerity, purity, forbearance and uprightness, wisdom, knowledge and faith in religion, these are the duties of the Brāhmin, born of his nature.


•A story from the life of Samarth Swami Ramdas about how much he cared about the direction the world was going in.


•A study of Shrimad Adi Shankracharya's Bhaja Govindam about the importance of making proper use of a human life.


•A study of the Raghuvansh and in Shakuntala by Kālidās about how have been many such Saints and wise people where society did not pay attention to them during their lifetimes and not only that but society criticised them during their lifetimes, but after they went, society thought that "oh such a great person has passed and we did not even see him".


•There is nobody in this world who is in reality an atheist. The arguments of an atheist are really based on a disguise. Saints have seen the most vocal of all atheists fall apart. They are people with hearts of stone but once they hear a discourse of bhakti (devotion) towards Bhagavad (God), Saints have seen them crying like children. This is the effectiveness of thoughts of Bhagavad (God) and this is the effectiveness of bhakti (devotion) of Bhagavad (God).


•Why a Brahmin should have both gnyān (wisdom) and vignān (science).


•Heroism, vigour, steadiness, resourcefulness, not fleeing even in battle, generosity and leadership, these are the duties of a Ksatriya born of his nature.


•A study of the Manyu Sukta to Hanuman in the Rig Veda for Divine Anger where one's blood boils upon seeing injustice.


•Why powers and weapons suited Shree Ram: because He had steadiness.


•The story of when Ram and Sita saw each other for the first time in the Shree Ramcharitmanas.


•Only a person who is an owner of himself can become a great leader.


•Agriculture, protection of, service to and looking after cows and trade are the duties of a Vaisya born of his nature; work of the character of service is the duty of a Sudra born of his nature.


•The importance of protecting, serving and looking after cows and why we worship cows.


•In the body of a cow there reside 33 million gods yet human beings are so selfish that they take advantage of cows.


•The hump of a cow is shaped like a dome just like holy places because if any energy comes inside it then it amplifies and multiplies that energy manifold from echoes.


•The shape of the horns of Mother Cow are that of the Aumkar.


•A cow is a symbol of humanitarianism and cows are the symbol of the feeling of family.


•Earning money can never be the goal of business; the goal of business is to give things to people who did not get those things before.


•Nine duties have been given for Brahmins and seven duties have been given for kshatriyas (warriors). Only three duties have been given for vaishyas (merchants): krshi (agriculture), gaurakshya (protection of, service to a looking after cows) and vānijyam (trade). And only one duty has been given to sudra (labourers): paricaryātmakam (work of the character of service). Therefore if so-called injustice has been done to anyone then it is Brahmins because they have to look after so much.


Chapter 18 verse 38: coming soon


Chapter 18 verse 39: coming soon


Chapter 18 verse 40: coming soon


Chapter 18 verse 41: coming soon

Chapter 18 verse 42: coming soon


Chapter 18 verse 43:


Chapter 18 verse 44:



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