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Bhagavad Gita Online Class 128

The gateway leading to the ruin of the soul is threefold: lust, anger and greed. Therefore these three, one should abandon (chapter 16 verses 16 to 24)


 •A study of the Saint Māhāmandaleshwar's statement that people from other sects and people from other religions do not criticise their great personalities and do not criticise the people who preach their religions as much as Hindu people. How great Saints have been harassed throughout Indian culture. They hammered nails into Māhāvir's ears. Angulimal harassed Buddha. All the way to Narsihn Mehta all great Saints have been harassed. Demonaic people who excessively criticise forget to see the God residing within them and the God residing within other people.


• A great Saint is ultimately a person. He is also bound by his circumstances and he also has such karmas. This may be the case but why should we try to find the bad grains? Keep the perspective about whether because of him 500 people turn on the right path or not or whether because of him then people in society learn about good things or not. If just this is good then highlight that. From this we will develop on the path of Dharma.


•When somebody comes to ask to criticise someone then off then these three questions: Did you do anything in it?Did you yourself give anything? And did you get anything in return? 


•A study of the Chanakya Niti about how to recognise a person who has come from swarg (heaven) in their previous birth and how to recognise a person who has come from narak (hell) in their previous birth.


• How kām (lust), krodh (anger) and lobh (greed) are the three gateways of narak (hell).


•If you wanted to summarise and highlight the 26 divine qualities that God described in a nutshell then they can come in three things: vairāgya (non-attachment), titikshā (forbearance) and santosh (contentment). In the same way, all the demonic characteristics that God described until now can be incorporated into the three doors of narak (hell): kām (lust), krodh (anger) and lobh (greed).


•A lack of vairāgya (non-attachment) results in kām (lust), a lack of titikshā (forbearance) results in krodh (anger) and a lack of santosh (contentment) results in lobh (greed).


•An experiment to determine how many moments during the day you stay in svarg (heaven) and how many moments during the day you stay in narak (hell). How to increase the amount of time you spend in svarg (heaven).


•The definition of a shāstra (scripture) by Madhusudhan Saraswati.


•The description in the Manusmriti of what the rules of the shāstra (scripture) are: what the Vedas say, what the smriti (scriptures to be heard) say and the conduct of great people.


•A study of the Shrimad Bhagavad about why the Vedas are the speech of God Himself.


Chapter 16 verse 16:


Chapter 16 verse 17:


Chapter 16 verse 18:


Chapter 16 verse 19:


Chapter 16 verse 20:


Chapter 16 verse 21:


Chapter 16 verse 22:


Chapter 16 verse 23:


Chapter 16 verse 24:




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