Bhagavad Gita Online Class 126
The endowments of a person with a demonaic nature: hypocricy, arrogance, excessive pride, anger, harshness and ignorance. How to remove these characteristics from our lives (chapter 16 verses 4 to 8)
•Why dambha (hypocrisy) is the first characteristic of a person of a demoniac nature. This person keeps trying to show what he is not. Because of this, a type of stress is created in the mind.
•McDougal's statement the more that society is becoming civilised and the more that society is becoming so-called cultured, then the more that society is becoming hypocritical.
•The two types of dambha (hypocrisy): the dambha (hypocrisy) of being a good person and a dambha ( hypocrisy) of being a bad person.
•A study of the 15th mantra of the Isho Upanishad about how sparkling covers have hidden the Truth.
•A person who has dambha (hypocrisy) is broken from the inside and is finished on the inside. The biggest psychologists of all say that all the sorrows that are born in people in society today is because of this one attitude of dambha (hypocrisy).
•Spiritual teachers say that darpaha (arrogance) is separate from abhimān (excessive pride) because darpaha (arrogance) is egotism that comes as a result of outside objects such as youth of the body, beauty, wealth, power, fame etc. On the other hand, abhimān (excessive pride) comes as a result the egotism of inner things such as education, intellect, religiousness, wisdom etc.
•The entire Western philosophy revolves around the "I". If you take any thinker from the West be it Kant, Hegel, Pavlov, Eisenhower or any Western thinker (even Socrates and then then the entire tradition of Aristotle and Plato) then they have revolved around the "I". On the other hand, Eastern philosophy has revolved around the saha (he).
•A study of the famous quote of Immaneul Kant that "I think therefore I am".
•A study of the teachings of the Jewish Saint Balshem.
•What Shree Ramakrishna Parahams taught a businessman about integration and not being scattered everywhere.
•Why anger is the first and foremost enemy of human beings.
•In all the 700 verses of the 18 chapters of the Srimad Bhagavad Gita, God has said the words: mā shucha ("grieve not") to Arjuna twice. Both of these verses are extremely important.
•Why the demoniac do not know about the way of action or the way of renunciation, and why neither purity, nor good conduct, nor truth is found in them.
•The āshram system designed by our Rishis to split life into four stages: brahmachāri āshram (life as a celibate student), grhastāshram (life as a householder), Vānapas āshram (life of service to the community) and Samyas āshram (life of renunciation).
•The technique for effective time management and life management. All our works can be categorised into these four quadrants: urgent and important; urgent but not important; important but not urgent; and not urgent and not important.
•Why there is a cause behind everything that takes place in the world.
Chapter 16 verse 4:
Chapter 16 verse 5:
Chapter 16 verse 6:
Chapter 16 verse 7:
Chapter 16 verse 8: