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Purushottam Yog (The Yoga of the Supreme Person)


The chapter 15 study classes will cover: 


•A study of the imperishable asvattham (peepal tree) of the material world with its roots above, branches below and with its leaves as the Vedas.


•How to ensure sorrows with a positive attitude. A look at the structure of an atom with protons (positivity) at the centre and electrons (negativity) on the outside.


•The psychologocial, medical and spiritual reasons why the asvattham (peepal tree) is given a lot of importance in Indian culture.


•A study of the example in the Mandukya Upanishad and the Rig Veda of two birds sitting on a peepal tree, one being the enjoyer and the other being the observer.


•Why the branches of the tree of the material world extend as a result of the three modes of nature.


•The 11 sub-branches of the tree of the material world, which are the 10 senses and the mind, being the 11th sense.


•The twigs (small leaves) of the tree of the material world in the form of experiencing the sense objects.


•The step-by-step explanation of Vedanta of how all bondages are created out of ignorance. All bondages come as a result of actions, all actions come from wishes, wishes come from a sense of incompleteness, incompleteness comes from envy, envy comes from rāg (attraction) and dvesh (repulsion), rāg (attraction) and dvesh (repulsion) come from ignorance of forgetting that you are Brahman.


•How to cut off the firm-rooted peepal tree of the material world using the strong sword of non-attachment.


•A study of Srimad Adi Shankracharya's commentary that freedom from three things can be called nonattachment: putreshana (attachment to progeny), viteshana (attachment to wealth) and lokeshana (attachment to getting praise from people). Why all these three things are represented in the character Trijatā (literally meaning "three knots") in the Ramayan.


•Swami Ramsukhdas' method of how to be effective in the material world without having any expectations.


•A study of the Shree Suktam: if one worships this then they will attain Lakshmi (the Goddess of wealth).


•A study of the Astravakya Gita about how to release the effect of material objects on you.


•A study of the book "growing up absurd" by Paul Goodman of America and how he has proved that everything people dreamed about throughout history is there in America today and yet despite this the average American is not happy.


•A study of the Chandogya Upanishad about seeking the path which those who are reached in it never return again.


•How we as fragments of the Supreme Soul become eternal living souls in the world of life and draw to us the senses and the mind that rest in nature.


•The three examples used by Vedantis to explain the state that comes after reaching which one does not return: ghatākāsh (ether in the pot), mathākāsh (ether inside the hermitage) and māhākāsh (ether of the great sky).


•The uniqueness of Srimad Adi Shankracharya's bhakti (devotion) in the Devi Aparadh Kshamapana Stotram.


•A study of the Panchadashi of Vedanta about how the soul inside a person's inner being, where the light of consciousness resides, is called a being when it attains the life breath, and this being becomes associated with the material world.


•Why the path of spirituality is not for people just looking for benefits. The story of the merchant and poet travelling on a plane: what is the benefit of getting a benefit?


•The individual soul has two powers. The first is the power of prān (the life breath) and the second is the power of ichā (wishes).


•A study of the Sarvasar Upanishad about the three types of bodies we have: the physicial body, the subtle body and the causal body.


•A study of the Katho Upanishad about how the individual soul uses the mind, the intellect, the ego and the senses to enjoy material objects.


•How the Supreme Soul is lodged in the hearts of all; from Him are memory, knowledge and the cure for indecisiveness. He is indeed


•The importance of learning Sanskrit (at any age) and the effect it will have on our life. The very meaning of the word Sanskrit is "cultured". Therefore Sanskrit is not only a language but Sanskrit is a culture.


•The revelation of the most secret doctrine from ShreeKrushna by knowing which a person will become wise and will have fulfilled all their duties.


You can watch all of the chapter 15 videos by clicking on the below links next to the verse numbers:


Chapter 15 introduction: coming soon


Chapter 15 verse 1: coming soon


Chapter 15 verse 2: coming soon


Chapter 15 verse 3: coming soon


Chapter 15 verse 4: coming soon


Chapter 15 verse 5: coming soon


Chapter 15 verse 6: coming soon


Chapter 15 verse 7: coming soon 


Chapter 15 verse 8: coming soon


Chapter 15 verse 9: coming soon


Chapter 15 verse 10: coming soon


Chapter 15 verse 11:


Chapter 15 verse 12:


Chapter 15 verse 13:


Chapter 15 verse 14:


Chapter 15 verse 15:


Chapter 15 verse 16:


Chapter 15 verse 17:


Chapter 15 verse 18:


Chapter 15 verse 19:


Chapter 15 verse 20:



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