Twameva Mātā cha Pita Twameva
Twameva Bandhu Sakhā Twameva
Twameva Vidya Dhravinam Twameva
Twameva Sarvam Mum Dev Deva.
O Lord, You are my Mother, You are my Father,
You are my Brother, You are my Friend,
You are Knowledge, You are Wealth,
You are my Everything, the Deva of the Devas.
Kāye nā vāchā,
Manase indriyevā,
Buddhyātmā nāvat,
Prakrute svabhāvāt,
Karomi yad yad sakalam parasme,
Nārāyana āyeti samarpayāmi
With the body, with the speech,
with the mind, with the senses,
with the intellect, with the Aatmaan,
with the disposition of my nature,
every act that I am performing,
I am performing not for myself,
I am surrendering to Nārāyan
Mūkaṁ karoti vāchālaṁ pańguṁ lańghayate giriṁ
Yatkrupā tamahaṁ vande paramānanda Mādhavaṁ
By His grace even the dumb can become eloquent in speech,
and the lame can cross over mountains (of obstacles in life)
Salutations to Him who gives this Grace,
ShreeKrushna, who is the personification of Supreme Bliss and who gives Supreme Bliss.
Krushnāya Vāsudevāya
Harahe Paramātmane
Govindaya Namo Namah
Oh ShreeKrushna, oh son of Vaudeva,
Oh Hari, Oh the Supreme Being,
we make obediances to you, oh destroyer of all the worries in our minds,
Oh Govinda we bow down to you repeatedly