Bhagavad Gita Online Class 91
Arjuna sees the vishvaroop (Universal Form) of God as the guardian of the eternal Sanatana Vedic Dharma that has been running for an infinite amount of time and that will keep running for an infinite amount of time (chapter 11 verses 16 to 21)
•How Arjuna beheld the Supreme Soul, infinite in form on all sides, with numberless arms, bellies, faces and eyes.
•Why the Lord has no end, middle or beginning.
•The names Arjuna uses the address the Lord as Vishvaeshwar ("Lord of the Universe") and Vishvaroop (Universal Form).
•Why one should never oppose and reject the world. The world is not worth giving up and rejecting; the world is very beautiful. The reason for this is that the Supreme Soul Himself has become the world.
•How then was this world created? The Supreme Soul created matter from within Himself in the same way that when a spider creates a web and makes a home for itself; the spider does not go outside looking for equipment; the equipment comes from within the spider.
•Why Indians have been worshippers of light from the beginning. Why light is a form of the Supreme Soul. A study of the Navras mantra in the Brhadaranyaka Upanishad.
•How the Lord was dazzling on all sides with the radiance of the flaming fire and Sun.
•How the Supreme Soul is samantād aprmeyam (immeasurable on all sides).
•A study of the words Aksharam (Imperishable) and Paramam (the Supreme) used the describe the Supreme Soul.
•Why the Supreme Soul is described as Shaashvadharmagoptā ("the guardian of the eternal law"). This Sanathan Vedic Dharma has been running for an infinite amount of time and will keep running for an infinite amount of time. A study of a Saint who protected hundreds of thousands of cows.
•Our lives are limited to 70 or 80 years but the history of the world is of hundreds and thousands of years. Dharma has lasted throughout all this time. There have been numerous Rāvans, numerous Kamsas and numerous Shishupāls who have come and gone, but Dharma has always remained.
•The two forms of the Supreme Soul described in all religions: the ugrasvaroop (the terrible form) and the somyasvaroop (the beautiful form).
•A study of the Pushti Mārg (the Path of Grace) and the beautiful form of Bal Krushna (the child form of Shree Krushna).
•A study of the form of Māhākāli (the Supreme Mother Goddess of power).
•A study of the different fears people have. If you look at the majority of people in this world then the majority of people are scared. Fear is a basic instinct. Each and every one of us has one type of fear or the other. Who is that fear of? It is of this world.
•The different perspectives with which to view the world: charma drashti (the physical eye), bhog drashti (the materialistic eye), vivek drashti (the discretion eye), bhāv drashti (emotional eye)
Chapter 11 verse 16:
Chapter 11 verse 17:
Chapter 11 verse 18:
Chapter 11 verse 19:
Chapter 11 verse 20:
Chapter 11 verse 21: