Bhagavad Gita Online Class 86
How can we see God? A study of the life of Swami Vivekananda. The greatest mystery in the field of spirituality and how Arjuna's bewilderment went away. (chapter 11 verses 1 to 4)
•How can we see God? A study of the life of Swami Vivekananda and how Ramakrishna Parahams taught Him how to see God.
•Arjuna's description of ShreeKrushna's discourse as paramam (Supreme), guhiyam (Mystery) and adhyātmā sangnitam (concerning the Self).
•When Arjuna had the experience that the Supreme Soul's grace has been showered on him then Arjuna became so ecstatic with feelings and so many feelings began coming out so that he put the rules of grammar on one side while speaking.
•Why when a person on the path of spirituality remembers his qualifications, efforts or journey and has a feeling of the ego that "I did this and that" then during that time the grace of the Supreme Soul does not shower on him. And the moment when the feeling of "I am doing this" goes away then the grace of the Supreme Soul immediately showers on that person.
•The greatest mystery in the field of spirituality: "The Supreme Soul cannot be found without efforts. When the individual does not make efforts then the individual does not find the Supreme Soul. However, the moment when the individual finds the Supreme Soul then the individual says that "it is the Lord's grace that I have seen the Lord. I have not done anything" Yet one still cannot go without efforts".
•Why Arjuna's bewilderment went away in the first verse of this chapter.
•Why ShreeKrushna is addressed as Kamalpatraksha (Lotus-eyed).
•How it is very human that when we hear regular descriptions about something then you want to see it.
•Why Arjuna addresses ShreeKrushna for the first time as Parameshvar ("O Supreme Lord").
•A description of how humble Arjuna has become by the time of this chapter.
•Why ShreeKrushna is addressed by Arjuna as Yogeshwar (Lord of yogins) as why ShreeKrushna was also addressed so by the Gopis in the Shrimad Bhagavad during the Chirharan Leelā and the Rās Leelā.
•A study of the endless types of Yogas.
•A study of the name Prabhu (Lord) for ShreeKrushna.
•Why Arjuna wanted to see God's Imperishable Self.
Chapter 11 introduction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOgaJ88JwwM
Chapter 11 verse 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZ74qIyq4X4
Chapter 11 verse 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPnzFtjS2gM
Chapter 11 verse 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iQ7JZeW2gc
Chapter 11 verses 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGphOZGtGLE