Bhagavad Gita Online Class 80
The unique symbolism of Lord Shiva: a study of Pushpadanta's Mahimna Stotram (chapter 10 verses 19 to 23)
•If you want to define Dharma in its reality then Dharma is the quest of potentialities. Dharma asks about what a person can become. What science calls a seed, Dharma calls a flower. The perspective of science is limited to the present and what the senses can see. The senses may see that something is a seed. Whereas Dharma is a search of possibilities, not only that but it is the quest for the potentialities like the flower. This is because every person is a potentiality. There are many possibilities and probabilities residing in every person. When these possibilities and probabilities are opened to their complete form, then that is Dharma. Dharma has an interest in only one thing: to take you to your Ultimate Peak.
•The three things needed in order to qualify as a vibhuti (divine manifestation) of God: a special aishvarya (wealth), a special shobhā (glory) and a special prabhāv (effectivity).
•The meaning of the name Gudakesha (Lord of Sleep) for Arjuna. A study of Mahavir Swami’s and Napolean’s abilities to master sleep. How to have deed sleep and how you can tell what type of dream a person is having.
•A study of the 12 Adityas and why Vishnu is God’s vibhuti (divine manifestation).
•A study of the incarnation of Vamanji.
•The meaning of the word Surya (sun) and why the Sun is God’s vibhuti (divine manifestation).
•A study of the Maruts and Marici. Why no matter how much a person makes efforts to try to break our cause and to break our mission, it should not break; rather it should grow from one to many.
•A study of the different constellations and why the moon is God’s vibhuti (divine manifestation).
•Why the word asmi (“that I am”) is used more than any other word in the 10th chapter of the Gita.
•A study of the Vedas and Āchārya Nilkanth’s commentary about why the Sama Veda is God’s vibhuti (divine manifestation).
•The power of the mind and why it is one of the senses.
•Why if there is no chetnā (consciousness) in the body then there is no importance of having the body. Scientists’ experiments about what goes away from the body when the life goes away.
•A study of the description of the life force in the Katho Upanishad.
•A study of the unique Truth of Shiva and His symbolism through Pushpadanta’s Mahinma Stotram.
•A study of the Isho Upashiad on the truth about the body.
•Why Lao Tzu always kept a skull with him wherever he went and why Shivji wears a while necklace of skulls.
•What the snake of Shivji symbolises. A study of the names Bholenāth (One who is easily pleased) and Ashutosh (One who is easily satisfied) of Shivji.
•A study of the family of Shivji and how they show us how to live in peace and harmony.
•A study of Kuber. When does this greed for wealth in the mind go away? When a human being is sitting at the peak of wealth.
•A study of the eight Vasus and why agni (fire) is God’s vibhuti (divine manifestation).
•How the mountain Meru shows us steadiness.
Chapter 10 verse 19: http://youtu.be/3Wot2YZ-mXQ
Chapter 10 verse 20: http://youtu.be/mkr5Fzrzn7E
Chapter 10 verse 21: http://youtu.be/FUL_H9UbwhY
Chapter 10 verse 22: http://youtu.be/dmV5xLxqf9Y
Chapter 10 verse 23: http://youtu.be/WW9cBXHH6IA