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Bhagavad Gita Online Class 76

Reversing the effects of centuries of discimination on a woman's mindset and a study of Great Female Saints in Indian culture (chapter 8 verses 32 to 34)  


• A look back at history at how women's mindsets have been affected by centuries of discrimination worldwide. 


•How ShreeKrushna is a revolutionary and how ShreeKrushna destroys all discriminatory ways of thinking.  The three greatest revolutions of ShreeKrushna.


•Why the Gita is not a scripture of Samyasins (people of renunciation).  The speaker (ShreeKrushna), listener (Arjuna) and writer (Vyasji) of the Gita were all married.


•Why Shree Krushna says that regardless of the type of person, the community of the person or the background of the person, everybody is able to go to Him and attain liberation.


•How human beings keep dividing themselves into societies and communities.


•How the mindset of ethnic minorities have been affected by centuries of discrimination. 


•Why the Supreme Soul never accepts calling people "untouchables".  The stories of Kevat and Guhu in the Ramayan.


•A study of the great female Saints in Indian culture including: Mira, Gargi, Maitryi and Shakubai. 


•The definition of the word such (happiness).


•Descartes' saying that "one who loves suffers".


•A study of Sahil Ludhiyana's song about beautiful moments in life.


•A study of Jean Paul Satre's work on existancialism.


•Shrimad Adi Shankracharyaji's commentary on how to fix the mind on the Supreme Soul.


•How Namaskar (bowing down) is a big weapon.  A study of the Pandav Gita.


•Conclusion of chapter 9.


Chapter 9 verse 32:


Chapter 9 verse 33:


 Chapter 9 verse 34:




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