Bhagavad Gita Online Class 71
A study of the lives of great devotees such as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Srimad Vallabacharya and their revolution in kirtan (glorifying God's name) with absorption and immersion. (chapter 9 verses 14 to 15)
• Why the word satata (continuance) is used three times in the fourteenth verse.
•How to make the best use of your speech.
•A study of the works of Tukaram about glorifying God.
•Why Narsihn Mehta used the word kirtan (glorifying God) with nit (always) in front of it.
•Ramanunjacharyaji's definition of kirtan (glorifying God)
•The effect that chanting God's name has on you. Why Sureshvarāchāryaji says the power words is inconceivable.
•Why in the Kali Yug (the age of vice, the current age), kirtan (glorifying God's name) is the best path to liberation.
•A study of the lives of great devotees such as Srimad Adi Shankracharya, Srimad Ramanunjacharya, Chaitanya Māhāprabhu and Srimad Vallabacharyaji Chaitanya Māhāprabhu and their revolution in kirtan (glorifying God's name) with absorption and immersion.
•Why Srimad Vallabacharyaji says that the word of kirtan (glorifying God) should be of God's name.
•A study of the sweet names of God such as Vitthal originating from Maharastra and Kana, Lalan and Kanaya originating from Vraj.
•In the word kirtan, two things are necessary. The first is that if one has done some work for God then one should have the feeling in the heart that they have come to God after doing God's work. The second is that one should have the experience and faith that God is always doing something for them.
•A study of rockclimbing about why one should always be strenuous in their vows.
•The three things that break a person's vows: thinking about what other people will say, greed for something, or a fear of something (the biggest fear of all being the fear of death now or at another time).
•Why a family member causing turbulence to a family living in peace should be removed from the family, a family causing turbulence to a village living in peace should be removed from the village, a village causing turbulence to a kingdom living in peace should be removed from the kingdom, and if the world is causing turbulence to your spiritual development then you should remove the world.
•Why namaskār (bowing down) and humility are essential in life, and the three ways in which namaskār (bowing down) can be done.
•Swami Ramtirth's great teaching about bowing down with the heart.
•A study of the theatre play sayā bhai kotwal about becoming fearless.
•How the peak state of being a Māhātmā (great soul) can only be achieved through the coordination of gnyān (wisdom), bhakti (devotion) and karma (actions).
•Why all the faces of the world are the Supreme Soul's. The different ways in which one can see God
•The difference between the path of gnyān (knowledge) where the individual soul is not separate from the Supreme Soul and the path of pruthaktvena (a distinction between the individual soul and the Supreme Soul) where there is a duality.
•Why all the people who argue about dvaita (dualism), advaita (non-dualism), vishisth advaita (non-dualism with qualifications) and shudh advaita (pure non-dualism) are wrong and why such arguments are futile.
•The description of the state of Samakti (an encounter with God and an encounter with the Supreme Truth).
•The three things needed for a Yagna: dev puja (worship of the gods), sangati karnam (gathering people together for a noble purpose) and daan (charity).
•Why hero worshipping has been the nature of human beings from the beginning. Why each and every dev (god) has qualities that we have to see.
•A study of mantras from the Vedas on why the ego must be sacrificed.
•The seven types of daan (donations) we can give.
Chapter 9 verse 14:
Chapter 9 verse 15: