Bhagavad Gita Online Class 57
The seven questions that form the foundation of spiritual thinking (chapter 8 verses 1 to 3)
•The seven questions that Arjuna asks ShreeKrushna, which form the basis for this chapter (and which come as a result of the terms ShreeKrushna used in the last two verses of the seventh chapter): what is Brahman (the Absolute)? What is adhyaatma (the Self)? What is karma (action)? What is adhibhuta (the material aspects)? What is adhidaiva (the divine aspects)? What are adhiyagnya (all sacrifices)? How God can be known at the time of departure by the self-controlled?
•Why Arjuna's questions are important because spirituality begins with them and the search for the Truth began with them.
•Why these questions mark a turning point in Arjuna's thinking.
•Why a true Guru never answers questions but creates questions. A story from the life of Socrates.
•The four ways in which you can define the word Aksharam by splitting the word in four ways.
•A study of the two forms of Brahman as described in the Bradhananyak Upanishad. The explanation by scientists about the transformation of a block of ice to water and then into steam.
•The three means through which we can get wisdom: the senses, the mind and the intellect.
•The definition of the Self as the essence of being.
•The definition of the word svabhaav according to our scriptures.
•The difference between the jivatma (individual Self), the pratyakatma (subtle Self) and the paramatma (Supreme Self). What happens when Purush (consciousness) and prakruti (matter) meet? What happens when the praktakatma (subtle Self) forms an ego? The formula: pratyakātmā PLUS the ego PLUS the lingadeh (the physical body) equals the jivātmā (individual soul)
•A study of the antakaran (inner being) and what it comprises of.
•The question of "who am I"? Why the great Saints of the Zen tradition say "find out your original face". How the entire Zen way of thinking has been created based on this one sentence from the Gita: Svabhāv Adhyātma (the Self is the essence of Being). A study of the Zen tea ceremony meditation.
•The definition of karma as the creative force that brings beings into existence.
•How we should perform karmas. A study of Ravi Shankar Maharaj's definition of the word visarga (to make efforts and to give up) in the Gita Bodhiwani.
•The definition of the domain of the elements as destructible nature, the definition of the domain of the gods as the cosmic spirit and the definition of the domain of Yagna as God.
•Showing the path of light for the development of all creatures. A study of the Navras mantra in the Brhadanyaka Upanishad.
•How a human body goes from 7 pounds to 70 kilograms and then back down. The interaction of the five gross elements.
Chapter 8 introduction:
Chapter 8 verses 1 and 2:
Chapter 8 verse 3: