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Bhagavad Gita Online Class 54

The four types of devotees that come to God (chapter 7 verses 16 to 17)


•The four types of devotees who come to God: the person in distress, the seeker for knowledge, the seeker for wealth and the person of wisdom.

•The rule in Sanskrit of why we talk about rogues first and then about our loved ones.

•Shridhar's definitions of people who are virtuous ones.

•Examples of devotees in distress: the story of Gajendra in the Shrimad Bhagavad and the story of Draupadi in the Shrimad Bhagavad. 

•The famous verse in the Mahabharata containing Draupadi's arguments before the Kauravas tried to strip her and ShreeKrushna saved her.

•The importance of efforts with faith. A study of the Advaita Siddhi and Bhakti Rasayan Granth of Madhusudhan Saraswati, and the story of how a pair of small birds took on the mighty ocean and won.

•The characteristics of a seeker of knowledge and the definition of curiosity.

•The story of Dhruv of the Shrimad Bhagavad and Vibheeshan of the Ramayan.

•Swami Ramsukhdas' story of a father and four children showing how the person of wisdom is the greatest out of all the devotees. Why a gnyāni (the person of wisdom) is ikshar (the perishable), akshar (the imperishable) and Purushottam (the best among people). 

•Two qualifications to be a gnyāni (the man of wisdom): one who is in constant union with the Divine and one who is devotion is single-minded.

•What is bhakti (devotion)? The story of a person lost in a jungle who met a great Saint.

•How to have single-minded devotion.

•Circumstances will come in your life where you do not know whether what you have to do is right or wrong. A study of the book "Glimpses of World History" and the test of how to tell whether to tell whether the action is right or wrong.


Chapter 7 verse 16:


 Chapter 7 verse 17:



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