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Bhagavad Gita Online Class 5

The importance of having a Guru in one's life and the greatness of a Guru (chapter 2 verses 1 to 7)

This class covers:

  • Why sadness and despondency are important and the three states of ātmārati, ātmātushti and ātmāpushti that Great Saints describe.

  • The first words of ShreeKrushna in chapter 2 (kutas twā meaning "wherefrom"), why these were His first words and why whenever Shree Krushna speaks in the Gita it is said "Shree Bhagavān uvāca", which is different from the rest of the Māhabhārata.

  • Shree Krushna's description of the situation as "a moment of crisis", why it is essential for good people to stand up and fight and the difference between compassion and pity.

  • The true meaning of the word Aryan and the misunderstanding and injustice to this great word done by Western historians studying Indian Sanskrit culture.

  • Arjuna seeks refuge in and surrenders to Shree Krushna as His Guru, the importance of having a Guru in one's life, to whom can we compare a Guru, and how the Gita was spoken on the battlefield.

Chapter 2 introduction:

Chapter 2 verse 1:

Chapter 2 verse 2:

Chapter 2 verse 3:

Chapter 2 verse 4:

Chapter 2 verse 5:

Chapter 2 verse 6:

Chapter 2 verse 7:



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