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Bhagavad Gita Online Class 29

The qualities one needs in order to become free from the bondage of karmas (chapter 4 verses 19 to 23)


This class covers:


•Where do we get our satisfaction, happiness and support from? The source that you get satisfaction, happiness and support from should be inexhaustible and not temporary. 


•A study of the five fundamental principles of Jainism: is aparigraha (giving up all possessions), satya (truth), ahimsā (non-violence), brahmachariya (celibacy) and akrodh (refraining from getting angry). How Mahavirswami's non-violence extended to the way He slept at night. 


•How desires are endless in amount, how desires paralyse a person and how to become free from desires and expectations. 


•If there are zero efforts then there are zero results. The foolishness of having wishes without action. 


•Why the safe depository box in which we store our karmas cannot be opened by anyone else. 


•Winning over your body, your mind and your self. What Buddha taught His brother and disciple Anand about controlling yourself so that your mind, body and senses only act upon your instructions. 


•How to strike the right balance between possessiveness and non-possessiveness. Why one should not fall under one of the two extremes. 


•How to be free from jealousy. How envy only exists within our circumferences: the bigger the gap between the haves and have-nots then the less the amount of envy 


•How possessions do not only harm others in society but they also harm you as well. The story of the robin, the crow, the crane and the sparrow. 


•The nature of right actions and wrong actions. The three reasons why people do wrong even though they know that doing right things brings good consequences and doing wrong things brings bad consequences. 


•A study of the three systems that are designed to make people happy: science, politics and religion 


•How to be satisfied with whatever comes by chance. The five ways that a Samnyasin (person of renunciation) can ask for alms according to our scriptures 


•The true meaning of the word pandit in Sanskrit. 


•How to be free from dualities such as pleasure and pain, gain and loss, victory and defeat 


•How to become happy at other people's happiness. 


•How to remain equal-minded in success and failure. 

 Chapter 4 verse 19:


Chapter 4 verse 20:


Chapter 4 verse 21:


Chapter 4 verse 22:


Chapter 4 verse 23:



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