Bhagavad Gita Online Class 21
The effect that food has on thoughts, and why we worship cows and the Tulasi plant (chapter 3 verses 13 to 18)
This class covers:
•The meaning of prasad. Swami Akhanandan Saraswati's example of his neighbour that shows that how feeding yourself is ordinary but how feeding others is extraordinary.
•The difference between a Sant and a pandit and other types of priests.
•What our scriptures say about what happens to a person who does not perform a Yagna. A study of the Rig Ved, the Atharva Ved and the Manusmiriti.
•The cycle of life (work, Yagna, rain and food) scientifically and geographically explained through the Taittriya Upanishad. The differences between the words Arjan, Uparjan and Parjanya showing the differences between giving and taking. How science and geography has provided that sacrificial fires lead to rain. Why it always rains after a war has taken place and when bombs have been dropped.
•How to have true faith when performing a Yagna: the story of a boy and his umbrella.
•A story from our scriptures of the Brahmin boy and the old lady showing the effect that the food who eat has on our thoughts, and an experiment to prove this.
•Why man will never be able to conquer nature. A study of the ecologial balance of the world.
•The meaning of the word viddhi explained from the conversation between Sumitra and Lakshman in the Ramayan.
•A study and an explanation of a mantra from the Chandogya Upanishad showing in detail just how much power the soul has.
•Why we worship the Tulasi plant. The medicinal and environmental benefits of having the Tulasi plant in our house. How the Tulasi plant increases our efficiency.
•Why we worship cows. A scientific and biologicial study of the power that resides in the humps, horns and hooves of cows. Why cow's milk, urine and excrement is pure.
•How can one see God everywhere, and how Brahman centres around the Yagna.
•How we are indebted to every person in the world. How many people have sweated and toiled so that you can live the life you are living today. A study of how the shirt you are wearing is made.
•The differences between one who is aghaayu (a person who lives in sin) and one who is punyaayu (one who lives a meritous and rich life). Why an aghaayu lives in vain.
•How to derive all your delight from the soul and be contented in the Self. The story of the lion and the fox from the Panchatantra.
•What exactly is detachment? True detachment explained using the concept of the stimulus and the reaction. The conversation between Vashishta and ShreeRam in the Yog Vashishta Ramayan.
Chapter 3 verse 13:
Chapter 3 verse 14:
Chapter 3 verse 15:
Chapter 3 verse 16:
Chapter 3 verse 17:
Chapter 3 verse 18: