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Bhagavad Gita Online Class 118

The imperishable asvattham (peepal tree) of the material world with its roots above, branches below and with its leaves as the Vedas (chapter 15 verse 1) 


 •It is a very clear opinion of great Saints that in this chapter is the highest and greatest peak of spirituality and the limitless peak of wisdom of the soul. The Gita itself is nectar and the mākhand (clarified butter) and the greatest chapter of the Gita is this chapter.


• The art of going from the Purush (the person) and becoming the Purushottam (the Supreme Person) is Purushottam Yog (the Yoga of the Supreme Person), is the 15th chapter of the Gita.


•How can we attain the Lord? We do not have to attain the Lord; we have to understand the attainment of the Lord. You have already attained the Lord. The Lord was never different from you, is not different from you and never will be different from you. If the Lord feels to be different then is forgetfulness of the soul and this is the biggest mistake of all in life.


• How parapsychologists have proved that when human beings go out having taken negative thoughts or deformities such as kām krodh lobh moh madha matsara ahamkār (desire, anger, greed, attachment, ignorance, jealousy and pride and egotism) then certain types of vibrations begin to get released from their bodies.


•How to endure sorrows with a positive attitude.  A look at the structure of an atom with protons (positivity) at the centre and electrons (negativity) on the outside.


• A story from the life of a Zen Saint about how peace is natural and how we should not go searching for peace.


•The psychological, medical and spiritual reasons why the asvattham (peepal tree) is given a lot of importance in Indian culture.


• A study of the Katho Upanishad and the description of the asvattham (peepal tree) as Sanatana (without beginning).


•A study of the example in the Mandukya Upanishad and the Rig Veda of two birds sitting on a peepal tree, one being the enjoyer and the other being the observer. 


•A study of relativity and the comparison between a human life and an ant life.

•A study of the Katho Upanishad about how the material world always remains young because īchchā (wishes), vāsnā (mental impressions), kāmnā (desires) and trushnā (imaginations) never become old.


•How a tree can be recognised by its leaves and why the leaves of the tree of the material world are the Vedas.


•The rule of the world that the world is like a reflection. Once you have known a reflection to be a reflection then no attachment remains with it.


•The description of the tree of the material world in the 22nd and 23rd verses of the 12th chapter of the 11th Canto of the Shrimad Bhagavad.


•The 11 sub-branches of the tree of the material world, which are the 10 senses and the mind, being the 11th sense.


Chapter 15 introduction: coming soon


Chapter 15 verse 1: coming soon 



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