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Bhagavad Gita Online Class 113

Practical techniques to achieve deep and effective sleep and the difference between necessary and unnecessary sleep: lessons from great historical figures including Bhagavan Mahavir, Bhagavan Buddha and Arjuna (chapter 14 verses 6 to 8) 


 •How the mode of goodness (sattva) is pure, causes illumination and is free from faults.  How it binds by attachment to happiness and by attachment to knowledge.


•How people who are Dharmic and who are of the mode of sattviktā (goodness) see each and every event in life as a love letter from the Supreme Soul.


•A study of Gurdjeff's "Fourth Way" about the importance of delaying anger by 24 hours.


•How the mode of passion (rajas) is of the nature of attraction; springing from craving and attachment.  How it binds fast the embodied one by attachment to action.


•How dullness (tamas) is born of ignorance and deludes all embodied beings.  How it binds by (developing the qualities of) procrastination, indolence and sleep.


•A study of Bhartruhari's poems about how people fall under delusion.


•The four visions as a result of which Siddarth Gautama performed the Māhābhinishkramana (the great renunciation) as a result of which He became Buddha (meaning "the enlightened one").


•Why Duryodhana from the Mahabhrata and Kamsa from the Shirmad Bhagavad performed adharmic actions even though they knew they were wrong.


•How you can tell whether the quality of sleep you got was good. A study of how Mahavir Swami used to sleep.


•Out of all the population of all the creatures in the world, only the human being is fully stood up. The vertebral column is bent in all creatures.


•The difference between necessary and unnecessary sleep.


•How Napoleon used to sleep effectively and deeply on his horse.


•An experiment on how to achieve good and effective sleep.


Chapter 14 verse 6: 


Chapter 14 verse 7: 


Chapter 14 verse 8:



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