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Bhagavad Gita Online Class 108

A study of the Katho Upanishad: the difference between the gnyata (the knower), gnyan (knowledge) and gneha (That which is to be known) (chapter 13 verses 11 to 15) 


 •The difference between gnyān (wisdom) and non-wisdom.


•ShreeKrushna spoke about gnyātā (the knower) in the second verse, about gnyān (wisdom) in the five verses from the seventh verse to the 11th verse of this chapter, and now in the six verses that are going to come from the 12th verse to the 17th verse, the Lord will describe gneha (That which is to be known).


•How it is only possible to know someone when there is no curtain between the gnyātā (knower) and the gneha (That which is to be known).


•ShreeKrushna's description of the characteristics of the Supreme Brahman.


•Yama's discourse to Nachiketa in the Katho Upanishad about how one experiences the Supreme Soul.


•How verse 13 is exactly identical word-for-word with a verse of the Shvetashvatara Upanishad about how the Supreme Soul has eyes, heads and faces on all sides, and with ears on all sides, He dwells in the world, enveloping all.


•The three main uses of the senses: enjoying material objects, for one's development and for doing good to others.


•One whose senses are there to do good to others is a great Saint.  A study of the life of Swami Ramdas.


•The difference between the words āsakti (clinging) and asakti (non-clinging) are completely opposite words. 


•Ways of maintaining and supporting others without having any attachment or clinging.  Financing a girl's wedding or paying for a student's studies.  How one will be able to remember God in these circumstances.


•A study of the Isho Upanishad about how the Supreme Soul is without and within all beings,  He is unmoving as also moving,  He is too subtle to be known and He is far away and yet He is near.


•The formula of the Samkhya scriptures about how something is there but it cannot be seen.


Chapter 13 verse 11: 


 Chapter 13 verse 12: 


 Chapter 13 verse 13: 


 Chapter 13 verse 14: 


 Chapter 13 verse 15: 



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