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Bhagavad Gita Online Class 103

Bhagavad Gita Online Class 103: Who am I? An introduction to the field and the knower of the field. A study of the three bodies and the five sheaths through the Taittriya Upanishad (chapter 13 verse 1) 


 •A study of the question: who am I? The story of the carpenter, goldsmith, jeweller and Saint travelling together showing us how we have to go back where we came from.


•The transition in the Bhagavad Gita from the paths of karma (action) and bhakti (devotion) into the path of gnyān (wisdom). The statement tat tvam asi ("You are That") from the Vedas.


•The difference between shruti (things that are heard), yukti (logical arguments) and anubhuti (experience).


•The difference between the sagun sākār (manifested form of God with qualities) and the nirgun nirākār (formless God without qualities).


•How to worship the nirgun nirākār (formless God without qualities) and how to become free from body consciousness.


•We are now at the peak of the mountain of the Gita where the path becomes more narrow so more concentration is needed.


•A study of the field and the knower of the field. Why this body is a kshetra (field).


•The three types of bodies we have: the physical body, the subtle body and the causal body.


•A study of the Taittreya Upanishad about the panchakosh (five sheaths) we have: annamaya kosh (food sheath), pranmaya kosh (vital energy sheath), manomaya kosh (mind sheath), vijnanamaya kosh (intellectual sheath) and ānandamay kosh (bliss sheath).


•An explanation of the kshetragna (the knower of the field) and what spirituality is.

•Professor Radhakrishnan's explanation of why Prakruti (nature) is unconscious activity and Purush (the Supreme Soul) is inactive consciousness.


•Socrates' last discourse to his pupils before he drank the cup of poison.


Chapter 13 introduction:


Chapter 13 verse 1:



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