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The chapter 3 study classes will cover: 


•What is more important: knowledge or action? A look at different periods in Eastern and Western history and the pre-dominance of worldliness or renunciation. How to find the mean between the two ways of life. 


•The difference between what is right and what is pleasurable. The eleven meanings of niyat: what 11 types of actions should one perform? How exactly do we know if an action is right or wrong? What are the tests for this? 


•Why is charity important and what effects does charity have on our life and our success? 


•What are the features of a Yagna? A detailed explanation of the three parts of a Yagna. 


•The cycle of Yagna, rain, food and people scientifically and geographically explained. What effect does the food we eat have on us? 


•How does one attain perfection while living in the world? A look at the example of Janak. 


•Why should we act? The concept of lokasamgrahan ("maintenance of the world"). What happens when good people do not act: lessons from Indian history. 


•A study of the different categories of karmas and the threefold modes of nature.


•The difference between attraction, replusion and non-attachment. 


•How to be free from one's enemies (anger and lust) once and for all. 


•How powerful is the soul? How to control the intellect, the mind, the body and the senses.


Chapter 3 introduction:


Chapter 3 verse 1:


Chapter 3 verse 2:  


Chapter 3 verse 3:


Chapter 3 verse 4:


Chapter 3 verse 5:


Chapter 3 verse 6:


Chapter 3 verse 7:


Chapter 3 verse 8:


Chapter 3 verse 9:


Chapter 3 verse 10:


Chapter 3 verse 11:


Chapter 3 verse 12:


Chapter 3 verse 13:


Chapter 3 verse 14:


Chapter 3 verse 15:


Chapter 3 verse 16:


Chapter 3 verse 17:


Chapter 3 verse 18: 


Chapter 3 verse 19:


Chapter 3 verse 20:


Chapter 3 verse 21:


Chapter 3 verse 22:


Chapter 3 verse 23:


Chapter 3 verse 24:


Chapter 3 verse 25: 


Chapter 3 verse 26:


Chapter 3 verse 27: 


Chapter 3 verse 28: 


Chapter 3 verse 29: 


Chapter 3 verse 30: 


Chapter 3 verse 31:


Chapter 3 verse 32:


Chapter 3 verse 33:


Chapter 3 verse 34:


Chapter 3 verse 35:


Chapter 3 verse 36:


Chapter 3 verse 37:


Chapter 3 verse 38:


Chapter 3 verse 39:


Chapter 3 verse 40:


Chapter 3 verse 41:


Chapter 3 verse 42:


Chapter 3 verse 43:




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