Mokshasamnyasayog (The Yoga Of Liberation By Renunciation)
The chapter 18 study classes will cover:
•The mistake in considering samyās (renunciation) to mean giving up life because this will lead to good people being more and more inactive and wrong people becoming more and more active.
•The five factors in the accomplishment of all actions: the seat of action, the agent, the instruments of various sorts, the many kinds of efforts and providence.
•Things in life that are dependent upon destiny: the birth, the parents, the body, the life partner, children and death.
•A study of the French revolution and the impact of destiny on the death of the royal couple.
•The impact of destiny in James Watt discovering steam energy.
•Gnyān (wisdom), gneha (the object of wisdom) and parignātā (who has understood the object of wisdom in its totality), are the threefold karmachodana (incitements to action), and kartā (the agent), karan (the instrument) and karma (the action) are the threefold karmasamgraha (composites of action).
•The three types each of gnyān (wisdom), karma (the action) and kartā (the agent) of the modes of sattva (goodness), rajas (passion) and tamas (dullness).
•The story of how Socrates drank the cup of poison with a feeling of a witness and with utter self-consciousness.
•Why buddhi (the intellect) and dhruti (steadiness) are very important in order to win wealth.
•Immanuel Kant's teaching of there being two types of the intellect: pure reason and practical reason. Pure reason is the shubdha buddhi (pure intellect), which the Gita calls the vyavasātmikā buddhi (the intellect fixed in determination). And practical reason is vyahavār buddhi (the practical intellect), which the Gita calls vāsanātmika buddhi or the avyavasātmikā buddhi (the intellect not fixed in determination).
•A study of the Katho Upanishad about the intellect being the charioteer in our lives.
•Psychologists say that what a person constantly thinks about, he pulls that towards him. The importance of positive thinking.
•If there is an insect in a village and it is holding onto a big piece of jaggery and is stuck onto it then if you try to pick up the insect and pull it then the insect itself will break into pieces but it will not leave the jaggery. In the same way, the seeker who does not give up his goal, Dharma or his path even if his life goes, such a resolve is called a dhruti (steadiness) of the mode of sattva (goodness).
•The definition of happiness as object minus the feeling of ownership.
•The duties of a Brahmin, kshatriya, vaishya and sudra according to their natures. Nine duties have been given for Brahmins and seven duties have been given for kshatriyas (warriors). Only three duties have been given for vaishyas (merchants): krshi (agriculture), gaurakshya (protection of, service to a looking after cows) and vānijyam (trade). And only one duty has been given to sudra (labourers): paricaryātmakam (work of the character of service). Therefore if so-called injustice has been done to anyone then it is Brahmins because they have to look after so much.
•A study of the Raghuvansh and in Shakuntala by Kālidās about how there have been many such Saints and wise people where society did not pay attention to them during their lifetimes and not only that but society criticised them during their lifetimes, but after they went, society thought that "such a great person has passed and we did not even see him".
•A study of the Manyu Sukta to Hanuman in the Rig Veda for Divine Anger where one's blood boils upon seeing injustice.
•The importance of protecting, serving and looking after cows and why we worship cows.
•Earning money can never be the goal of business; the goal of business is to give things to people who did not get those things before.
•How each person can attain perfection by being devoted to their duty.
•Better is one's own law though imperfectly carried out than the law of another carried out perfectly. One does not incur sin when one does the duty ordained by one's own nature.
•How each and every one of us is unique and the importance of discovering one's Svadharma (duty).
•A study of the Vishnu Purana about how one who leaves his in-built Dharma and his own duty and instead just chants 'Krushna Krushna' or 'Rām Rām', such people are opposed to the Supreme Soul and only that but they are foolish, the reason for this is that God Himself took birth in order to fulfil Dharma and not only that but God has given us birth to fulfil our Dharma.
•One should not give up the work suited to one's nature, though it may be defective, for all enterprises are clouded by defects as fire by smoke.
•God's reassurance that "fixing your thought on Me, you shall, by My grace, cross over all difficulties; but if, from self-conceit, you will not listen (to Me), you shall perish".
•If indulging in self-conceit, you think "I will not fight," vain is this, your resolve. Nature will compel you. A story of Arjuna's stay in the kingdom of King Virat in the Mahabhrata.
•Shree Krushna has given this message to Arjuna and then tells Arjuna to reflect on it fully and to do as Arjuna chooses. This is because Shree Krushna has placed a lot of faith in Arjuna's intellect. This is the greatness of Shree Krushna that the Lord never forces His view on anyone; He never imposes Himself. ShreeKrushna has never said that "you must do this"; He says that "you should do this because this is right. Reflect on it fully and do as you choose. I have faith on your intellect.
•The six characteristics that are needed when you tie a relationship with someone.
•ShreeKrushna tells Arjuna "abandoning all duties, come to Me alone for shelter. Be not grieved, for I shall release you from all sins".
•If someone is not standing there to welcome you and you are not getting respect there, and no feelings are being shown to you, people are indifferent to you and the other person is saying that "he is wrong and that is why he has come", then good people and straightforward people should not go to such a place or should stop going to such a place, even if money and gold is being thrown at them because that wealth will give them turbulence. You should maintain your dignity while staying calm.
•ShreeKrushna says that "He who teaches this supreme secret to My devotees, showing the highest devotion to Me, shall doubtless come to Me. There is none among men who does dearer service to Me more than he; nor shall there be another dearer to Me in the world.". Why Saints are like mothers.
•Arjuna stands firm with his doubts and delusion dispelled and says that he is ready to act according to ShreeKrushna's word.
•Wherever there is Krushna, the Lord of yoga, and Partha (Arjuna), the archer, there will surely be fortune, victory, welfare and morality.
You can watch all of the chapter 18 videos by clicking on the below links next to the verse numbers:
Chapter 18 introduction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDjtLOvFwX4&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SJjUrQLgao&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igPVA5ZeODM&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDi46DR_2T8&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBZtmBnAK9o&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GS8mqI6-qk&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kac-XgvGicU&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 7: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57V0yZtBNsQ&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 8: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y71TwKAKuEU&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 9: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DA9A95VBwaU&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 10: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Sm70fJXowU&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 11: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrDqozy91Dw&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 12: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0APbcFJ6zsU&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 13: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fxp99Wb_a0I&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 14: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMTJ51CiSk0&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 15: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YLClcXIFJFE&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 16: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmHAw9v24BE&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 17: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvSd1NB_coo&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 18: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Bk5vRp6GQ0&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 19: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mu3oVSJ2NdI&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 20: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljtlxwfMpM0&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 21: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oONnmCkywc&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 22: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oKAvm7Kq-A&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 23: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYJtPjq6C4c&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 24: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbP5NNANTT4&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 25: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mpc6jADs9Q&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 26: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCevTt4rNiE&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 27: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TysSHvEUjY&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 28: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8eN5SPOgP0&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 29: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qReA5FyUPwQ&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 30 part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYHPV6we7kI&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 30 part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUvLT8S1_x8&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 31: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22XVhv8LViM&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 32: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKwowOwhQiE&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 33: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOq5yEmE804&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 34: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k50_4uBm_6Y&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 35: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZjaZVLG9R0&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 36: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJHmRTc_SM8&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 37: coming soon
Chapter 18 verse 38: coming soon
Chapter 18 verse 39: coming soon
Chapter 18 verse 40: coming soon
Chapter 18 verse 41: coming soon
Chapter 18 verse 42: coming soon
Chapter 18 verse 43: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23_b5VZC6sM&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 44: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8ABCb-xtws&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 45: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOAy5ace1_A&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 46: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8u_QzZ2Y4A&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 47: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rv5rAING4GI&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 48: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c05Z4L9l2Rs&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 49: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctci4Kh11K0&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 50: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZP24RtoNkTg&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verses 51 to 53: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6D6wNehBK2M&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 54:
Chapter 18 verse 55: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQQj0iNIkQI&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 56: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbGDngcCX0o&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 57: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrV25eGU45U&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 58: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUFsdulYTyo&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 59: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dW36J4JMPxo&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 60: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3mAf4Tg_6w&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 61 part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4VfHV9lg64&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 62: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOWjZKin0So&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 63: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hCPw9n5LLg&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 64: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7y18-0IO9s&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 65: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PV20Zo7kzhY&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 66: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gn4rBRN_FoE&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 67: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Zqm1dQExMI&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 68: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-8seKSbMr8&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 69: coming soon
Chapter 18 verse 70: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGT5meNt3Jo&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 71: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnlG45qmXgo&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 72: coming soon
Chapter 18 verse 73: coming soon
Chapter 18 verse 74: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkPd-zmr1T8&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 75: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DkyefGxqr4&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg
Chapter 18 verse 76: coming soon
Chapter 18 verse 77: coming soon
Chapter 18 verse 78: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bd2TvTlrTsI&list=UUiM42oaOoXrauK7z7fGJKEg