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The chapter 1 study classes will cover: 


• The difference between Dharma (the first word of the Gita) and mama (the last word of the Gita).


• The meaning behind the number 18 (18 chapters in the Gita, 108,000 verses in the Mahabharat, 18 legions of the Pandavas and Kauravas in the war, 108 beads in a mara, 108 is (1) multiplied by (2 x 2) multiplied by (3 x 3 x 3), distance from Earth to Sun 18 times the diameter of the Sun and distance from Moon to Earth 18 times the diameter of the Moon).


• Materiality (what you have) vs spirituality (who you are).


• The reason why we have doubts and despondency in our minds and how to dispel them.


• The essence of teamwork and companionship when fighting for Dharma: the Pandavas compared to the Kauravas.


• Gratitude to the great thinkers and commentators of the Gita ("Sambhavami yuge yuge" meaning "I come into being from age to age").


You can view all the videos of the chapter 1 classes by clicking on the below links next to the verse numbers. 


Why we pray to Lord Ganesh at the beginning:


Introduction to the Bhagavad Gita:


Chapter 1 verse 1:


Chapter 1 verse 2:


Chapter 1 verse 3:


Chapter 1 summary of verses 1 to 3:


Chapter 1 verses 4 to 6:


Chapter 1 verse 7:


Chapter 1 verse 8:


Chapter 1 verse 9:


Chapter 1 verse 10:


Chapter 1 verse 11:


Chapter 1 verse 12:


Chapter 1 verse 13:


Chapter 1 verse 14:


Chapter 1 verse 15:


Chapter 1 verses 16 to 18:


Chapter 1 verse 19:


Chapter 1 verse 20:


Chapter 1 verse 21:


Chapter 1 verses 22 and 23:


Chapter 1 verse 24:


Chapter 1 verse 25:


Chapter 1 verses 26 to 28:


Chapter 1 verses 29 to 30:


Chapter 1 verse 31:


Chapter 1 summary of verses 1 to 31:


Chapter 1 verse 32:


Chapter 1 verse 33:


Chapter 1 verse 34:


Chapter 1 verse 35:


Chapter 1 verse 36:


Chapter 1 verse 37:


Chapter 1 verse 38:


Chapter 1 verse 39:


Chapter 1 verse 40:


Chapter 1 verse 41:


Chapter 1 verse 42:


Chapter 1 verses 43 to 44:


Chapter 1 verses 45 to 46:


Chapter 1 verse 47:




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